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Watch re-play of Bryan Hudson's commentary on Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King's Letter From the Birmingham Jail.
On the Martin Luther King holiday, one of the best things we can do is read, consider, and act on the actual writing of Dr. King.
You will gain clarity and understanding for today from Chapter Seven by my book: "Justice, What Is It? An Everyday Person's Guide to Understanding Justice and the Role of the Church"
You can follow this link to the Atlantic Magazine to read the entire letter originally published August, 1963. It is a long, but very important read.
The stream will be available at my Facebook page, and YouTube
Topics Covered From Rev. Dr. King's Letter From the Birmingham Jail
Preparing to Respond
Not One Man, an Inevitable Force for Change
Principles of Action
A Network of Mutuality
Philosophical Foundation
Why We Won’t Wait
Two Kinds of Laws
Unjust Laws Damage the Soul
Dismantling Injustice Arguments
Genuine Law and Order
Examples of Civil Disobedience
The Sacrifices of Leaders
Martin Luther King, the Pastor
Using Christ to Hinder Fellow Christians
Loss of Authenticity for the American Church
Looking for the Church Within the Church
Oppression Cannot Continue
Confidence in the Promise of America
Optimism in the Face of Despair

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Justice = Righteousness
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